Catalogue Contact

Customer Information

Climate neutral packaging

You bought one of our products?

Thanks for purchasing a product produced by westphal “truly made in Bielefeld”.

Our sales packaging is printed locally at Druckerei Kolbe in Versmold in a climate-neutral manner. The carbon footprint was compensated.

If you have any concerns about your own health restrictions (allergies) or would like to address the issue of harmful substances in general, please click on our information page on this topic: Information sheet.

You have purchased new handles for your bicycle or rehabilitation device (rollator, wheelchair, etc.) and would now like to apply them properly? We will be happy to help you with some installation instructions. Assmebly advice here.

If you have purchased one of our grips with an fixation system, we will gladly explain how it works here here.

Are you interested what we do to save energy and ressources? Please click here to find more information about our energy saving measures.

The assembly of spokes protecor “Regina” is explained in the following video:

Griff Nr. 402
Item number:
Packing unit:
100% schadstofffrei